Monday, October 31, 2011

As they say here... Happy Fall Y'all!!!

Well... it has been beautiful here the past few days!  Perfect pumpkin patch weather... and pumpkin carving!!  Here are a few pics...

They enjoyed climbing on the pile o' pumpkins...
Who can go to the pumpkin patch without proper hair accessories?!?!?
C's latest clip... ADORABLE!!!  Thank you Aunt K!
Even Daddy was ready for some Halloween fun!!
You would not think so by this picture, but J cleaned and carved his entire pumpkin this year without any help...
and he managed to keep all fingers accounted for!
C was excited this year for her pumpkin.  Her only request...
"It HAS to have eyelashes!"

B... LOVED the whole process- slimy guts and all!

In order from left to right...
M's, B's, C's (equiped WITH eyelashes), and J's...
Bring on Halloween... we are ready!


The kids had the greatest time this Halloween- and WAY TOO MUCH candy!!

Truly... A Knight in Shining Armor!!
The most adorable Rapunzel out there tonight!
...or as C referred to herself... I am "Tangled"
I know you can't see his face, but M was THRILLED to be a bloody werewolf!
His favorite part... ripping up his jeans!
An old football uniform... a few gross tatoos, and a little makeup...
After looking at him more- we decided his hair was too neat for a zombie... and spiked it all straight up.
Sorting out the goodies at the kitchen table... B- caught in the act of opening his 20-something piece of candy.
"WHAT?!?!?! I didn't hear you say 'no more'"!!!

Even zombies need chocolate!
Measured the candy....23.1 POUNDS!  That is crazy...
Hope everyone else had a "super sweet" Halloween!
...check back November 2nd... J's birthday!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Today is M's 8th birthday!  It has gone SO fast!  He is really an amazing kid.  He is the most caring and nurturing kid I know.  M is growing up way too fast!  Already playing baseball, flag football, basketball, and getting ready to tackle lacrosse!  Happy birthday big guy!  We love you!  Here is an overview of the last 8 years...

Steamboat Springs, CO Summer 2004

1 year old!  Love that dimple!

PHEW!  That must have been a GREAT nap!!!

Halloween 2005!  Most handsome cowboy EVER!!!

Holding baby C, June 2007

2008- nothing like rain boots while skateboarding!

Baseball Fall of my favorite pictures!

Summer 2011-  his personality at full force!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Light the Night...

We participated in the Light the Night Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Walk last night... October 23, 2011.  We had a long day of kid activities, but pushed on and headed out to The Woodlands, TX.  There were SO MANY people and supporters.  It really ended up being a fun time... not to mention the kids were excited when they found out they were going to be able to stay up past 8:00 on a school night!  The event raised over ONE MILLION dollars for LLS!  It was really amazing!   
C holding a YELLOW balloon, in honor of Grampa Bob, Hubby's father.

A blurred picture, but  this was the start of the walk. 
It was a sea of red balloons.  It was a pretty cool sight to see!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Here we go...

Welcome to the Rosenkranz Clan Blog!  I am going to try and post pictures and stories regularly for those friends and family members that can't see us regularly.  This is an attempt to redeem myself since pictures never make it in the mail...EVER!  Hopefully this works for everyone!  We truly are a busy family- on the go constantly.  When there is not an activity- it is a large project, but usually BOTH simultaneously.  Life around here is NEVER quiet, NEVER slow, and NEVER boring!  So.... here we go!!  Our most recent family picture.... from our "Family Reunion 2011" cruise in July...   

Just to catch everyone up on the kids: 

J is now 10 years old... very close to 11 in November
M is 7 years old... very close to 8 in October (7 more days to be exact)
B is a new 5 year old 
C is a new 4 year old 
and Hubby and I are... just getting older- to put it kindly!